:: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 ::
The poem is great--I've been carrying around a folded up copy of it in my purse for weeks now. And, as per your instructions, I've started on the Jackalope poem. Are you going to Fayetteville this weekend?
:: Alison Pelegrin 3/10/2004 07:57:00 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, March 01, 2004 ::
You are the best--your comments are a big help. But more than that I'm excited that you like the idea of thirteen ways of looking at a jackalope. The idea seemed so dumb in my head that I was embarassed to spend time working on it--this was in November or so. But now the thread is renewed and I'm hot on the topic. I looked up the Maddox poem and found it online--it is very very fine. Before you mentioned it I had no idea that anyone wrote a poem like that before. You know, on the Everette Maddox website there is a long essay by your teacher Rodney Jones. You should read it. I can't remember the name of the site, but if you type in Thirteen ways a Possum looks at me it should come up. Apparently, Maddox kep Possum in his house.
:: Alison Pelegrin 3/01/2004 08:52:00 AM [+] ::